Document Upload


If you would like to redirect user to an upload page without integrating an API, see the Upload UI Widget. It supports upload of a variety of image types, cropping and a friendly shorturls to navigate a user to.

Adding a document using the API

The remainder of this page talks about how to upload a document using our API. It assumes you have called loanrequest and borrowerinfo already, in which case you will have a kudos_loan_id and kudos_borrower_id.

You can find the fileType in the Appendix on the bottom of this page.


    "kudos_loan_id" : "...",
    "kudos_borrower_id" : "...",
    "partner_loan_id" : "...",
    "partner_borrower_id" : "...",

    "base64pdfencodedfile" : "...encode pdf as base64 encoded string",
    "fileType" : "See appendix below for possible values"

You can find the fileType in the Appendix on the bottom of this page.

Response: Success


    "message: "Loan document uploaded successfully" 


Response: Failed


    "message: "Some warning or message" 


Document Upload Status API

At any point of time, you can also check if a specific document has been uploaded.

POST {host}/api/documents/{fileType}

eg: POST {host}/api/documents/agreement
eg: POST {host}/api/documents/pan_card

You can find the fileType in the Appendix on the bottom of this page. For the host see URL docs.


    "kudos_loan_id" : "..."

Response: document exists

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "exists": true,
        "updated_at": "2021-02-26T08:02:40.000Z"

Response: not yet uploaded

    "success": false